Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Robert Knoth - Half Life

Robert Knoth
Half Life

Robert Knoth.
Karl Marks Street, Muslumovo. 
2000 Robert Knoth.
Vafir Gusmanov, Muslumovo. 
Vafir Gusmanov says that he enjoys being on nature, but he has not been able to work in a field or to hunt for a long time Robert Knoth.
Ramsis Faisullin, Kurmanovo. 
16-year Ramzis Faizullin is seriously ill, and he needs an expensive treatment to facilitate somehow his constant headaches. Robert Knoth.
Mokhammed Nafigin, Muslimovo. 
Mohammed Nafigin (77) calls himself Robert Knoth
Gabdullin, Muslumovo 
Before the accident on Robert Knoth.
Natasha Kuznetsova, Elsa Zakhruddinova and Vera Chirkova, Chelyabinsk. 
All three girls - students of high schools of Chelyabinsk – have diseases of immune system and bodies of a belly cavity. Parents of all three lived in the villages located on coast of Tetcha. Robert Knoth.
Inga and Daniel Gainullins, Muslumovo. 
13-year Inga has a Robert Knoth.
Saturday Disco, Muslimovo. 
2001 Robert Knoth.
Saturday Disco, Muslimovo. 
2001 Robert Knoth.
School, Muslimovo. 
Solemn opening of a new academic year. Robert Knoth.
Potato Harvest, Muslumovo. 
2001 Robert Knoth.
Meeting of People with Governer, Bashau.l 
The nuclear complex “Beacon” delivering an electricity in neighboring cities and villages, has disconnected Bashakul from electrosupply as all its inhabitants are unemployed and cannot simply pay invoices. Robert Knoth.
Main Square, Muslumovo. 
2001 Robert Knoth
Karl Marks Street, Muslumovo. 
2000 Robert Knoth.
Fence and Deserted Factory, Muslumovo. 
When it became known, how much Tetcha was polluted with radioactive waste products, a fence was built along a coast, so that the inhabitants did not approach to the water. Nowadays deserted metal fabric located on a coast of Tetcha, that used to take wate. Robert Knoth.
Elvira Gainullina and her friends after they have assigned flowers to a tomb of their acquaintance

Robert Knoth. Karl Marks Street, Muslumovo. 2000

Robert Knoth. Vafir Gusmanov, Muslumovo. 2001. Vafir Gusmanov says that he enjoys being on nature, but he has not been able to work in a field or to hunt for a long time

Robert Knoth. Ramsis Faisullin, Kurmanovo. 2001. 16-year Ramzis Faizullin is seriously ill, and he needs an expensive treatment to facilitate somehow his constant headaches.

Robert Knoth. Mokhammed Nafigin, Muslimovo. 2001. Mohammed Nafigin (77) calls himself "radioactive person". My level is 37, though normal is 18”. He lived in the immediate proximity from the fabric "Beacon" and after the accident (explosion) mowed the grass that covered the coasts of the river Techa.

Robert Knoth Gabdullin, Muslumovo 2001 Before the accident on "Beacon" the Gabdullin’s parents lived in Kurmanovo, on a coast of Tetcha. "My mother died very young – she was only 30...

Robert Knoth. Natasha Kuznetsova, Elsa Zakhruddinova and Vera Chirkova, Chelyabinsk. 2001. All three girls - students of high schools of Chelyabinsk – have diseases of immune system and bodies of a belly cavity. Parents of all three lived in the villages located on coast of Tetcha.

Robert Knoth. Inga and Daniel Gainullins, Muslumovo. 2001. 13-year Inga has a "wandering kidney", and she won’t be able to have children. 6-year Daniel was born with the big hematoma in a head.

Robert Knoth. Saturday Disco, Muslimovo. 2001

Robert Knoth. Saturday Disco, Muslimovo. 2001

Robert Knoth. School, Muslimovo. 2001 Solemn opening of a new academic year.

Robert Knoth. Potato Harvest, Muslumovo. 2001

Robert Knoth. Meeting of People with Governer, Bashau.l 2001. The nuclear complex “Beacon” delivering an electricity in neighboring cities and villages, has disconnected Bashakul from electrosupply as all its inhabitants are unemployed and cannot simply pay invoices.

Robert Knoth. Main Square, Muslumovo. 2001

Robert Knoth Karl Marks Street, Muslumovo. 2000

Robert Knoth. Fence and Deserted Factory, Muslumovo. 2001. When it became known, how much Tetcha was polluted with radioactive waste products, a fence was built along a coast, so that the inhabitants did not approach to the water. Nowadays deserted metal fabric located on a coast of Tetcha, that used to take wate.

Robert Knoth. Muslimovo. 2001. Elvira Gainullina and her friends after they have assigned flowers to a tomb of their acquaintance

Moscow, 20.05.2002—3.06.2002

exhibition is over

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Project of Greenpeace Russia

Project of Greenpeace Russia
