Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Vladimir Yakovlev, Igor Ganja - Living people

Living people
Vladimir Yakovlev, Igor Ganja

Egor Konchalovsky. 
From the project “Living people” Joseph Bakshtejn. 
From the project “Living people” Edward Bojakov. 
From the project “Living people” Pierre Brochet. 
From the project “Living people” Linor Goralik. 
From the project “Living people” Elena Jatsura. 
From the project “Living people” Denis Simachev. 
From the project “Living people”

Egor Konchalovsky. From the project “Living people”

Joseph Bakshtejn. From the project “Living people”

Edward Bojakov. From the project “Living people”

Pierre Brochet. From the project “Living people”

Linor Goralik. From the project “Living people”

Elena Jatsura. From the project “Living people”

Denis Simachev. From the project “Living people”

Moscow, 20.03.2010—20.04.2010

exhibition is over


Red Square, 3

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Anna Shpakova.
Presented by the SNOB magazine
Anna Shpakova.
Presented by the SNOB magazine
