Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Italian ZERO avantgarde of the 60's

Italian ZERO avantgarde of the 60's

Bruno Munari.
scultura da viaggio.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Alberto Biasi.
Dinamica cilindrica.
pvc on board.
diameter 70 cm.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Davide Boriani.
Superficie magnetica.
mixed media (magnet, iron powder, aluminum, electric motor).
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Lucio Fontana.
Concetto spaziale (Bianco), water paint on canvas.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Paolo Scheggi, Intersuperficie.
oil on canvas.
120x120 cm.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Agostino Bonalumi.
flexed canvas and enamel.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan Gianni Colombo.
Spazio elastico.
Enamel on wood and elastics.
Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Bruno Munari. scultura da viaggio. 1959. paper. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Alberto Biasi. Dinamica cilindrica. 1962. pvc on board. diameter 70 cm. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Davide Boriani. Superficie magnetica. 1961. mixed media (magnet, iron powder, aluminum, electric motor). Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Lucio Fontana. Concetto spaziale (Bianco), water paint on canvas. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Paolo Scheggi, Intersuperficie. 1964. oil on canvas. 120x120 cm. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Agostino Bonalumi. Nero. 1965. flexed canvas and enamel. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Gianni Colombo. Spazio elastico. Enamel on wood and elastics. Courtesy: G.L.O.W. Platform, Milan

Moscow, 14.09.2011—6.11.2011

exhibition is over

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Idea: Nanda Vigo

Curator: Alberto Podio

Idea: Nanda Vigo

Curator: Alberto Podio


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