Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow | Exhibitions | Denis Khomenkov - Antifashion

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Denis Khomenkov

From the project “Antifashion” From the project “Antifashion” From the project “Antifashion”

From the project “Antifashion”

From the project “Antifashion”

From the project “Antifashion”

Moscow, 22.03.2011—17.04.2011

exhibition is over

Moscow Museum of Modern Art

17 Ermolaevsky lane (show map)

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Curator: Ekaterina Kondranina

Curator: Ekaterina Kondranina


For the press

I was interested above all in the experimental aspect of this project and — as a consequence — my search for new artistic forms. Photographing clothes that have the status of objets d'art is a far from trivial task in itself. And I tried to do it by breaking the unwritten rules for photography of this kind, approaching my task from the opposite direction. I should mention that this series is the product of close creative cooperation between the model Alyona Petite, artist-researcher Natalya Pershina-Yakimanskaya and the photographer.

With the support of

Ahmad Tea